[tlhIngan Hol] 'op Human be'..

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 08:53:02 PDT 2016

> peghmo' meqlIj vIchovlaHbe'. jaS qayu': Hoch
> Damawchugh tlhIngan Hol DughojmoH 'Iv? bIqeq 'e' boQ 'Iv?

ghelmeH mu'tlhegh pup !
perfect question !

qaStaHvIS QIn ghom, ghelmeH mu'tlheghvamvaD jIloS..
I have waited for this question to appear..

'ach SuStel, DaH paS.. paSqu'..
however SuStel, now it is late.. it is too late..

chorgh wen naDev vIpawta'. qaStaHvIS jarvam, nItebHa' tlhIngan pab
HochHomvaD maja'chuqta'.
I arrived here eight months ago. during this time, together we
discussed about almost all klingon grammar.

qatlh pIj jIghItlhta' ? qatlh pIj jIghelta' ?
why was I writing so often ? why was I asking so often ?

SIbI'Ha' qaS jajvammo'. 'e' vISovmo'.
because I knew that eventually this day would come.

toH, Hoch De'mey vISuqnISta', 'ej nom De'meyvam vISuqnISpu'.
So, I needed to obtain the most data that I wanted, and to do it fast.

tlhIHvo' De' vISuqnISbogh, vISuqta'DI'..
after I acquired the data I wanted..

klingon wiki Hoch vIHaDta' 'ej latlh De' vIghajbe'bogh vIghaj je.
I read the entire klingon wiki, and I acquired the rest of the info I
was missing.

DaH, klingonska vIHaDtaH, 'ej tugh naQ nabwIj..
now, I'm studying klingonska, and soon my plan will be complete..

not QaH vItlhobnISqa'.
never again will I need to ask for help.

'ej De' Hoch vIghajbe'law'bogh, SIbI'Ha' nIteb vItu'.
and all data, I seemingly don't have, eventually alone I will find.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 5:50 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> On 6/15/2016 10:40 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> ngoQ tlhaQvaD tlhIngan Hol vIHaDbe' ; tlhIngan HolvaD ngoQ Saghqu' vIghaj.
>> I don't learn klingon for fun ; I have a very serious reason.
>> a' jIHvaD neH meqvam tu'lu'.
>> however this reason is personal.
> peghmo' meqlIj vIchovlaHbe'. jaS qayu': Hoch Damawchugh tlhIngan Hol
> DughojmoH 'Iv? bIqeq 'e' boQ 'Iv?
> --
> SuStel
> http://trimboli.name
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