[tlhIngan Hol] {'er'In} {megh'an} and {qa'rI'}

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 00:41:16 PDT 2016

Also, could I use {qa'rI'} to describe both ends of the same structure ?

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 10:38 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> If {'er'In} is used for one end, then {megh'an} is used for the other.
> Do we have any similar analogy for the {qa'rI'} ?
> And before you say {DIn}, here is the problem ; If I use {qa'rI'} to
> describe the end of a corridor or tunnel, then I could use {DIn} to
> describe the other end. But if I use {qa'rI'}, to describe the end of
> something which is not enclosed (road, bridge, long field etc), then
> what do I use for the other end ? {DIn} is only to be used for
> enclosed spaces.
> If anyone would like to look into it, then HolQeD 12.2 Jun. 2003,
> (which-of-course-I-don't-have-because-if-I-did-I-wouldn't-be-asking)
> could provide some insight on the matter..
> mop Hurgh qunnoq
> klingon is a language of controlled fury

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