[tlhIngan-Hol] Personal Preferences and use of {HIja'} or {HISlaH}
Lawrence M. Schoen
klingonguy at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 14:35:40 PDT 2016
Personally, I tend to say HISlaH. I've been doing it for so long, that I no
longer recall why I made the conscious choice to go with this instead of
HIja' as most others do.
The only other speaker whom I can recall using HISlaH as consistently as I
do is taD.
Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen :: author :: publisher :: psychologist :: hypnotist
:: klingonist
::: Campbell Award nominee :::: Hugo Award nominee :::: Nebula Award nominee
www.lawrencemschoen.com ::: www.papergolem.com ::: www.hypnosis4writers.com
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