[tlhIngan Hol] Why I would marry janeway HoD

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 09:39:35 PDT 2016

{beqDaq toDmeH Heghta'}
she died in order to save her crew
should be:
{beqDaj toDmeH Heghta'}

and this:
{QIHDI' tlhInganpu', Sa'HutchajDaq pe'vIl 'oH lanta' ghaH}
when the klingons wronged her, she *** their Sa'HutDu' !
should be:
{luQIHDI' tlhInganpu', Sa'HutchajDaq pe'vIl 'oH lanta' ghaH}

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:18 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> reH jIjatlh, janeway HoD vIvuvchu'.
> I always say that I greatly respect captain janeway
> 'ej DaH jIjatlh, janeway HoD vISaw ; meq law'mo' vIneH.
> and now I'll say that because of many reasons I would marry her.
> 1. nIteb Hoch jogh loS tormoHta'.
>     alone she brought the entire delta quadrant to its knees
> 2. yaSpu'Daj 'emDaq So'eghQo'.
>     she doesn't hide behind her officers
> 3. DIvI' chut wa'DIch pabta'Qo'. Qu'Daj ta'DI', puch nav rur chut wa'DIch..
>     she willingly disobeyed the prime directive
>     when she accomplished her goal, the prime directive resembled toilet paper..
> 4. beqDaq toDmeH Heghta'
>     she died in order to save her crew
> 5. qa'vIn nIt tlhutlhmo'
>     she drinks her coffee black
> 6. reH HIp tuQbogh be''e' vIparHa'mo'.
>     I always liked women in uniforms
> 7. rapchu' qa'wIj qa'Daj
>     because we have similar characters
> 8. HoD quSDaq ba'taHvIS poghmey tuQmo'
>     because while she's sitting at the captain's chair she wears gloves
> 9. naHchoHlaHmo'
>     because she's able to become hostile
> 'ej..
> and..
> 10. QIHDI' tlhInganpu', Sa'HutchajDaq pe'vIl 'oH lanta' ghaH
>       when the klingons wronged her, she *** their Sa'HutDu' !
> hahaha
> mop Hurgh qunnoq

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