[tlhIngan Hol] Five Little Bunnies by Dan Yaccarino (Children's Book)

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jul 6 11:21:18 PDT 2016

On 7/6/2016 2:17 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> maja'chuqjaj?
>> Can we talk?
> isn't here an interrogative {-'a'} missing ? and hold on a minute !
> how can we place the {-'a'} which is a type 9 verb suffix, on a word
> which already has a type 9 verb suffix ? hmm ?
> so, if we apply the rules strictly, we can't use {-jaj} in order to
> create yes/no questions..

Don't confuse the colloquial English translation with a word-for-word 
translation. The Terran says *maja'chuqjaj*/let's talk./ /Can we talk?/ 
is merely a colloquial translation.

>> lenglIj lutebjaj lengwIjvaD bel rap, Sov rap, ngoQ rap je
>> Danobpu'bogh
>> May your journey be filled with the same joy, wisdom, and
>> purpose you have given mine. (Frasier)
> there is something I don't like with the placement of the {lengwIjvaD}
> ; perhaps it has to do, with me being used to seeing the {-vaD} at the
> beginning.

The *lengwIjvaD* is associated with the verb *Danobpu'bogh. */Which you 
have given for my journey./


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