[tlhIngan Hol] In space all warriors are cold warriors

Ed Bailey bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 12:30:42 PDT 2016

jatlh De'vID:

> Gorbachev boq Lincoln; chen Gorkon.
wa' Gorkon chenmoH Lincoln 'ar?

The canon sentence seems to have a dangling modifier, loghDaq. Out of
context I'd read it, "All warriors are warriors who are ready to fight in
space." But as the sentence is formed, {loghDaq} can't go anywhere else.
Maybe a pause for emphasis after {loghDaq} would make it clear it's about
the entire sentence, not just the relative clause.

mIp'av yergho
IKAV chuch 'etlh

My modeling blog:          http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/
My other modeling blog:  http://bellerophon.blog.com/
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