[tlhIngan Hol] HolQeD Project

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Fri Jul 29 08:27:47 PDT 2016

Greetings fellow jatlhwI'pu'!

During last week's qep'a', Lawrence and I spoke in length about getting old
copies of HolQeD online, and I volunteered to coordinate this new project.

To that end, I am seeking motivated KLI members who are willing to invest
time in helping with this project. The primary task will be to convert the
paper version of articles into electronic formats (either through OCR, when
possible, or by simply re-typing them), although I may also need help with
other tasks. Access to HolQeD is not necessary, all you need is time and a
willingness to help.

If you are interested, please email me OFF the list. If you have copies of
HolQeD, please include the volumes/issues you own in the email.

You do not need to be skilled at Klingon to help with this project as most
of the work will be in English, so this is a great project for all levels
from beginners to advanced speakers. The more people we can get involved in
this project the quicker it will go, and the less work each individual has
to do.

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