[tlhIngan Hol] muvchuqmoH. seriously ?

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Thu Jul 28 12:10:17 PDT 2016

ja' André Müller:
>>> No one has ever said anything about {-chuqmoH} or {-'eghmoH} because it
>>> was clear to everyone how they worked and it was probably never an issue to
>>> anyone.

ja' SuStel:
>> Ha! Ha-ha-ha! That's a good one.
>> No way is that the reason. No one ever tries to use them together, or if
>> they do, they're told it's ungrammatical, or questionable.

ja' André:
> Who tells them? You? ;)

No, not him. In fact, SuStel regularly reminds people that they
*should* use {-'eghmoH} when putting an imperative prefix on a verb
expressing a state or quality.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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