[tlhIngan Hol] How to clean a white shirt

Jeremy Silver j.silver at mupwi.demon.co.uk
Sun Jul 24 03:21:31 PDT 2016

Just as the process of learning is a path to travel for us, so too is the 
process of discovering previously unknown areas of the language.

One of these areas appears to be with colours.

In TKD we are given the basic terms, there are two words that describe the 
colour range from red, through yellow and green, to blue. The boundary appears 
somewhere in the middle. Granted this is partially inferred as the colours 
specified in the dictionary definitions are not necessarily in the same order.

This very basic sketch was expanded upon in KGT, allowing the more precise 
description of a colour, if necessary.

It could be a cultural artefact that going in to such detail to differentiate 
colours is not deemed necessary or is deemed overly pedantic.

This knowledge on describing colour may be expanded upon further at a later 

Be aware, for our own species, colour perception appears to be very dependent 
on language itself there is research on how various colours are differentiated 
by the languages of the world which you might find interesting as ancient 
Greek is one of them.


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