[tlhIngan Hol] {'e'} should be a rover

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 02:43:40 PDT 2016

We constantly say that klingon is a spoken language.

And we continuously say that the written klingon is a representation
of the spoken words.

So, since in spoken klingon one can stress question words, prefixes
and suffixes as well, and since the written klingon is a
representation of the spoken language, then the least I would expect

That the written form had actually had a way in order to express the
stressing of a word.

And now you'll say that it does ; yeah it does, but the {'e'} is
limited only on nouns.

{'e'} should definitely be a rover, or a rover too.

mop Hurgh

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