[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: nugh

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Jul 11 10:03:56 PDT 2016

On 7/11/2016 12:18 PM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> qunnoq :
>> Other than that, the first sentence goes :
>> {nughraj Dun lurDechmeyraj Dun je DIvuvta' 'e' lutul[]
>>   HaDwI'pu' 'ej vItul jIH}
>> But shouldn't there be an {'e'} before the {vItul jIH}?
>> I mean, shouldn't we have the following sentence instead?
> I think that the second {'e'} before {vItul jIH} has been elided because 1) the two clauses are so short closely related (they have the same verb, if different subjects); and 2) a second {'e'} might make the listener think the sentence-as-object (SAO) referred to was {lutul HaDwI'pu'} and not {DIvuvta'}.
>    ... DIvuvta' 'e' lutul HaDwI'pu' ('ej vItul jIH)
>    The editors hope (and I hope) that we-have-respected-them

I think it's *DIvuvta' ('e' lutul HaDwI'pu' 'ej vItul jIH).* The "second 
sentence" of the sentence-as-object happens to be a compound sentence, 
but it's still a sentence. The object of the *vItul jIH* part is still 
*'e',* but it has been elided because it is was already used in the 
first sentence of the conjunction, exactly the same way that *yaS vIlegh 
'ej vIqIp* elides an object noun in section 6.2.1 of TKD.

Always, always, always remember that /all/ sentence-as-object 
constructions are simply two sentences pushed together; *'e'* and *net* 
are /not/ conjunctions or linking words.


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