[tlhIngan Hol] Five Little Bunnies by Dan Yaccarino (Children's Book)

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 02:44:51 PDT 2016

> Can we use the {'op} on its own i.e. without a noun following it ?
> HIja'.

thanks for telling me ! I must have gotten the idea that the {'op} is
only to be used with a noun following it, since most of the times we
say things like {'op ret}, {'op pIq} etc..

> I would suggest {pem} instead of {jaj}, unless you really meant that
> they played for all day and all night.

oh yes, this is better ! I had never actually realized that this
distinction actually existed in klingon. I had the impression that
{jaj} meant day and night as well.

mIv Hurgh

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 10:44 AM, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6 July 2016 at 08:33, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I like it, but I have some questions :
>>> {QIm law' wISo'laH. chorvamDaq 'op vISo' jIH}
>>> {wov 'op 'ej Hurgh 'op. Segh law' SamlaH puqpu'.
>> Can we use the {'op} on its own i.e. without a noun following it ?
> HIja'.
>>> The kids found the Easter eggs one by one. The little bunnies said, "Our job is done!"
>>> {Hoch QIm nguv Sam puqpu'. {pItlh! rIn Qu'maj,} jatlh Hoch Qa'Hom}
>> Perhaps the "one by one" concept is better expressed by the use of
>> {ngIq}, although don't take me too seriously on this one, since I'm
>> still having trouble understanding the [ngIq}.
> Dachupchu'.
>> Also since the "founding" of the eggs is a completed action which
>> happened on purpose, I would use the {-ta'}
>>> The kids ate the eggs and played all day.
>>   {QImmey yIr puqpu'. jaj naQ reHqu'}
>> The english goes "ate the eggs", but the klingon says "gathered". Also
>> since the "playing" took place all day, I think we could use
>> {qaStaHvIS jaj}.
> I would suggest {pem} instead of {jaj}, unless you really meant that
> they played for all day and all night.
> English is stupid in that "day" means both "daytime" and "day and
> night". Klingon wisely distinguishes these two time periods. Did the
> children play all day and all night? If not, then {jaj} is not
> appropriate.
> --
> De'vID
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