[tlhIngan Hol] Ambiguity with regards to the beneficiary

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 01:12:22 PDT 2016

We know that the {-vaD}, is to be used only for the purpose of marking
the beneficiary/indirect object.

When we had discussed the definition of the beneficiary/indirect
object, we said :

"the beneficiary/indirect object, is the one affected in a different
way than the direct object".

So, now I will ask : What if there is an ambiguity, as far as the
"whether the wanna-be indirect object is actually affected ?".

Take this example for instance :

ghawran says to a soldier : "for the klingon empire be brave !"

Someone could argue that the klingon empire, isn't the beneficiary.
Why ? Because it is not affected by the "being brave" of the
individual warrior. If he's a coward, then that's his problem, qar'a'

Someone else though could say that the klingon empire is honored when
a warrion is brave, therefore it is to be considered the beneficiary.

So, what's the case here ?

If anyone knows the answer, then please endarken me..

mop Hurgh qunnoq

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