[tlhIngan Hol] Goat animal

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 11:12:33 PDT 2016

> Stop rebuilding the Klingon world to make it more like yours. It’s like eating at McDonald’s while on vacation in France.


toH, cat DelmeH 'oqranD, mu' {vIghro'} chenmoHDI' vaj qay'wI' tu'lu'be' ;

'a latlh Ha'DIbaH mu' tlhoblu'DI' vaj qIchlu'. maSagh'a' ?

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:02 PM, Robyn Stewart <robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
> At qep’a’, ghunchu’wi’ and I were reading aloud to each other from Green
> Eggs, just translating on the fly.  When we got to the page with the goat,
> we just left it at “goat”.  It’s an Earth creature.  It has a shape, an
> odour, a set of behaviours, a history in literature and a whole raft of
> connotations. Why would you want to substitute another animal that can’t
> possibly be the same?
> You don’t find it necessary to change out the targs in Klingon stories for
> some kind of Earth animal, do you?  Why do the same if you want a goat.  If
> what you really really want is an animal that is like a goat in every way
> except that it is native to Qo’noS then tera’ goat rurchu’bogh Qo’noS
> Ha’DIbaH’e’ ‘oH. Maybe when a Klingon says “goat,” it’s going to come out a
> bit like qot or ghot. The latter will go nicely with the fact that the
> English word for goatHom is the same as the English word for puq.
> Stop rebuilding the Klingon world to make it more like yours. It’s like
> eating at McDonald’s while on vacation in France.
> pItlh.
> From: tlhIngan-Hol [mailto:tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org] On Behalf Of
> Felix Malmenbeck
> Sent: July 25, 2016 11:05
> To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
> Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Goat animal
>> The word wasn't invented by Marc Okrand himself, but
>> by the author of the novel. I think, however, Okrand
>> vetted the new Klingon words in it.
> According to the author (Keith R.A. DeCandido), Marc Okrand only vetted the
> glossary for "Diplomatic Implausibility". The glossary for "Honor Bound" was
> presumably vetted by 'angghal or somebody else from the KLI.
> Source: https://twitter.com/KRADeC/status/91641513691459584
> Also, according to DeCandido, the bolmaq is more similar to a hyena than a
> sheep. I believe I asked this question in connection with the Minecraft
> translation.
> Source: https://twitter.com/KRADeC/status/219789081108946944
> There is a creature known to Klingons that is called a "Degebian mountain
> goat", which is an eight-legged creature native to Degeb IV which incredibly
> good at climbing. I don't suppose that helps much with translations,
> however.
> The minn'hor is a beast of burden (similar to cattle), the milk of which is
> used to make cheese.
> I wrote a summary of Klingon-related animals I knew of a few years back
> (which unfortunately I've lost the original file for, so I can't update it
> without quite some bit of work; I will however make an effort to enter all
> relevant entries into the Extended Corpus, which I'm sorry to say I've been
> insufficiently diligent in updating).
> Here is the document:
> http://people.kth.se/~felixm/Klingon+animals.pdf
> I see that I accidentally described the Degebian mountain goat as
> quadrupetal [sic], which is wrong both in fact and in spelling.
> ________________________________
> From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of André
> Müller <esperantist at gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 19:00
> To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
> Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Goat animal
> In the "extended" canon (in this case the novel "Honor Bound") there is the
> so-called {bolmaq}, a native animal of Boreth, which makes a bleating sound
> and tends to run around in circles.
> The word wasn't invented by Marc Okrand himself, but by the author of the
> novel. I think, however, Okrand vetted the new Klingon words in it.
> I used {bolmaq} to describe a sheep once.
> On Jul 25, 2016 18:54, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a klingon animal, which resembles the terran goat ?
> mop qIj
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