[tlhIngan Hol] The book of our good captain

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Wed Jul 13 09:16:32 PDT 2016

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:04 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> lieven:
>> ghorgh [bItlhutlh DaneH]
>> (a question word in front of a SAO)
>> and not
>> [ghorgh bItlhutlh] DaneH
>> (a Question as object)

I disagree with Lieven's grouping. I believe that it *is* a question
as the object of {neH}, which works fine since the intended meaning is
to ask a question.

> and why don't we just write :
> {bItlhutlh ghorgh DaneH}
> thus avoiding the confusion ?

Because that would be asking "when" about the wanting, not about the drinking.

> also I just noticed this contradiction on the following three
> sentences, from the klingonska article:
>> yan 'ISletlh muv 'Iv DaneH Qang. - Chancellor, who do you want for the
>> Yan-Isleth?
>> nuq vIjatlh DaneH. - What do you want me to say?
>> Qang HoHta' 'Iv 'e' Dalegh. - Who did you see kill the Chancellor?
> on the first and third sentence, the {'Iv} is placed before the {neH}
> and {'e'} respectively. why on the second it is being placed at the
> beginning of the sentence ?

Objects come before the verb. Subjects come after. But you know that
already, so I'm not sure what your question really is.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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