[tlhIngan Hol] lawn mower

Alan Steinberg alanfsteinberg at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 16:08:49 PDT 2016

Once this discussion winds down it would be great for someone to summarize
this all up as a HolQeD style article.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Ed Bailey <bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com>

> So far as we know, {chIp} only applies to hair cutting, at least when
> speaking literally, since that's what TKD says. There are not a lot of
> examples, as there are for {pe'}, and examples to me are more useful than
> glosses, disambiguated or otherwise. And those are not the only types of
> cutting, because there are also {DuQ} and {SIj}, and {chev}, {wav}, and
> even {chop} could conceivably be used to describe cutting, and probably a
> few other words as well.
> jIjatlh:
> latlh DochvaD mu' chIp Dalo'chugh, bISorHa'. much qonlu'DI' 'a lablu'pa',
> chaq ngajmoH muchwI'qoq.
> In my haste, I mistakenly wrote muchwI'qoq, not chIpwI'qoq as intended.
> SuStel's example of {much} as something one presumably could not {chIp}
> made me think of editing. And if Klingons who produce recorded
> entertainment refer metaphorically to an editor as {chIpwI'}, they might
> also use {jIb} as slang for the recorded material. (All of this is nothing
> but bemused speculation, in case anyone thought I was making a
> pronouncement about what Klingons would do.)
> --
> mIp'av yergho
> bu''a'
> baHwI'
> IKAV chuch 'etlh
> <http://bellerophon.blog.com/>
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