[tlhIngan Hol] lawn mower

Michael Roney, Jr. nahqun at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 10:34:11 PDT 2016

Mostly typing this for myself to sort out my own thoughts.

Just went back to TKD, where the only English info we have on {chip} is
"cut, trim (hair).

TKD also gives us {pe'} "cut".

Since this is the same book, it looks like Marc knowingly gave us two verbs
for "cut".
One of them, he also described as "trim" and then added "(hair)".

So, either {chIp} only involves hair, or Okrand is trying to tell us that
Klingons differentiate between types of cutting.

So if {chIp} refers to the snipping that takes place during a hair cut,
then {pe'} must mean the type of cutting one does with a knife.

{chIp} has never been used, but we indeed see {pe'} in words like
{pe'meH taj} cutting knife
{pe'meH 'echlet} cutting board

So I {pe'} my food or my enemy, but I {chIp} my construction paper?

But then TNK gives us:
{cha''etlh pe'wI'} scissors

But scissors are what we use to cut hair.
Maybe Maltz only goes to barbers that use trimmers?

Did Okrand come up with {cha''etlh pe'wI'} or did he just approve it?

I would be okay with a language saying that scissors {chIp} while a knife
It's the "(hair)" part that's giving me pause.

Bringing this back to a lawnmower, my unit doesn't have giant scissors that
snip, it has a giant swinging blade that lops off the top.
This action doesn't resemble what I do on a cutting board, or what I do
during a haircut.
It more closely resembles chopping off my enemies heads.
Yes, I am beheading my lawn.

I shall be victorious over the weeds that have betrayed me!

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