[tlhIngan Hol] lawn mower

Ed Bailey bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 08:36:12 PDT 2016

jatlh SuStel

*weq* doesn't mean *hit an object which just happens to be a percussion
instrument, whether or not the hitting is intended to make music.* If a car
were to ram into a drum, that would not be *weq,* but it certainly would be
a kind of hit.

If you're rhythmically slapping your knees, or even just once when timed
for audible effect, that's *weq.* If you just happen to hit your knees once
at random, that's not *weq.*

I agree with you totally on what type of action constitutes {weq}. But
you're correcting me for something I didn't say. I just pointed out the
assumptions implicit in your reasoning, namely (1) the disambiguator limits
the object of {weq} to instruments, and (2) Klingons consider the knees to
be instruments when used in a like manner to drums. These strike me as the
sort of literal thinking that is so useful in computer science, and the
second purports to know what Klingons would think. jaS jIQub. SorHa'
tlhIngan net Sov. <qIvDu' weq> jatlhtaHvIS tlhIngan, chaq loQ SorHa'.


There's no evidence in Star Trek of Klingon lawns. Even among humans, it's
something of a local fad. Klingons would probably find lawn-keeping to be
bizarre behavior. In that case, they might well speak metaphorically (and
mockingly) of giving the grass field a haircut.

jatlh SuStel:

You're playing the "a Klingon would" game again.
Many humans and possibly all aliens would consider it bizarre behavior, but
I did say "probably" and "might well." How much subjunctive padding do you
mIp'av yergho
IKAV chuch 'etlh

My modeling blog:          http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/
My other modeling blog:  http://bellerophon.blog.com/
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