[tlhIngan Hol] lawn mower

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Tue Jul 26 08:43:34 PDT 2016

Lawn mowers are also called grass cutters...

Very true, and the most common variant likely varies quite unpredictably from language to language.

In Swedish we only say "grass cutter" (gr?sklippare), and saying "lawn mower" (gr?smattsklippare) would sound really weird.
However, both Danish and Norwegian (both Bokm?l and Nynorsk) apparently use both "grass cutter" (gressklippar, grasklippar, graessl?maskine) and "lawn cutter" (plenklippar, plenklipper, plaeneklipper).

Considering the fact that not even the Scandinavian languages an make up their mind, I doubt we'll be able to deduce the preferred Klingon construction sand word-of-God/Maltz. However, both <magh pe'wI'> and <magh yotlh pe'wI'> should get the idea across to any Terran Klingon-speakers (or at least those comfortable with English, which is the vast majority).

I personally kind of like <magh chIpwI'>, but perhaps that's for more detailed sculpting.
...or treacherous barbers.

26 juli 2016 kl. 16:14 skrev SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name<mailto:sustel at trimboli.name>>:

Lawn mowers are also called grass cutters...
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