[tlhIngan Hol] How to clean a white shirt

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Jul 24 03:27:18 PDT 2016

It's not useless any more than the word "blue" is useless in English, even though it covers both Russian colours си́ний and голубо́й. Blue also covers the English colours teal, aquamarine, navy and many more.  On occasions when you want to express a colour more precisely than the base colour word for a language allows, then you add modifiers or compare the colour to something.

Is the English word "honour" useless because it covers batlh, quv and pop?

- Qov

-----Original Message-----
From: tlhIngan-Hol [mailto:tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org] On Behalf Of mayqel qunenoS
Sent: 24 July 2016 02:49
To: tlhIngan Hol mailing list <tlhingan-hol at kli.org>
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] How to clean a white shirt

Michael Roney, Jr.
> {SuD} comes from TKD and has "yellow" in the definition.

tkd, p. 135 :
{SuD} green, be green, blue, yellow

As you see, it also has blue and green ; so unless the reader is psychic, thus being able to know which of the three words I actually want to express, then this word (on its own) is useless.

Perhaps that's the reason why there is a klingon psychic probe in the first place..

poghmey qIj qunnoq

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Michael Roney, Jr. <nahqun at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 7:47 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Jeremy Silver :
>> > You appear to need an ahem primer on colours.
>> > pa' yoqqoq DanejtaHbogh Datu' 'e' vIHar:
>> > http://klingonska.org/ref/color.html
>> I knew of the word {SuD}, and of this link as well ; but because I 
>> remembered that some of the color shades described there were not 
>> canon, I chose to write "yellow" in federation standard english. Only 
>> now that I checked again, I saw that the "yellowish tinge" shade is 
>> canon indeed.
>> But all this is confusing and outrageous as well. Am I supposed to 
>> remember, in every canon source which came out after tkd and kgt, 
>> every little detail ? And among all shades of a particular color, am 
>> I supposed to remember which is canon and which is not ?
>> Or am I supposed to remember that somewhere in kgt, there is a line 
>> which describes the "yellowish tinge", which of course isn't 
>> mentioned in the dictionary at the end of the book ?
>> So, one uses federation standard and the job is done..
>> thank you though, for taking the time to reply.
> {SuD} comes from TKD and has "yellow" in the definition.
> Klingon only has 4 color words to remember (if you count black and 
> white as colors).
> ~naHQun
> --
> ~Michael Roney, Jr.
> Freelance Translator
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