[tlhIngan Hol] New word: cheS

Michael Roney, Jr. nahqun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 19:38:43 PDT 2016

>From MO; July 3, 2016

There is already a word that can be used for "owl."
It's {lIr}, which is some sort of Klingon nocturnal bird.
So an own on Earth would be a {tera' lIr}... or just {lIr}.

For "bunny"...  There's a Klingon animal that's sort of like a rabbit
called a {cheS}.
So a rabbit on Earth would be, I guess, a {tera' cheS}, though, in context,
{cheS} is good enough.
And a "bunny," I supposed is a {cheSHom} or maybe {cheSoy}.

{cheS} is a word no one besides you and me and Maltz knows about...yet.
I'll inform everyone else at the qep'a' later this month.

~Michael Roney, Jr.
Freelance Translator
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