[tlhIngan Hol] Five Little Bunnies by Dan Yaccarino (Children's Book)

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 00:44:37 PDT 2016

On 6 July 2016 at 08:33, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> I like it, but I have some questions :
>> {QIm law' wISo'laH. chorvamDaq 'op vISo' jIH}
>> {wov 'op 'ej Hurgh 'op. Segh law' SamlaH puqpu'.
> Can we use the {'op} on its own i.e. without a noun following it ?


>> The kids found the Easter eggs one by one. The little bunnies said, "Our job is done!"
>> {Hoch QIm nguv Sam puqpu'. {pItlh! rIn Qu'maj,} jatlh Hoch Qa'Hom}
> Perhaps the "one by one" concept is better expressed by the use of
> {ngIq}, although don't take me too seriously on this one, since I'm
> still having trouble understanding the [ngIq}.


> Also since the "founding" of the eggs is a completed action which
> happened on purpose, I would use the {-ta'}
>> The kids ate the eggs and played all day.
>   {QImmey yIr puqpu'. jaj naQ reHqu'}
> The english goes "ate the eggs", but the klingon says "gathered". Also
> since the "playing" took place all day, I think we could use
> {qaStaHvIS jaj}.

I would suggest {pem} instead of {jaj}, unless you really meant that
they played for all day and all night.

English is stupid in that "day" means both "daytime" and "day and
night". Klingon wisely distinguishes these two time periods. Did the
children play all day and all night? If not, then {jaj} is not


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