[tlhIngan Hol] The mouth of Sauron

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 05:32:15 PST 2016

'ay' ghaj Qeb joH return of the king much.

mordor lojmIt'a'Daq pawDI' Qeb ghom, SutlhmeH, lojmIt'a'vetlhDaq lIgh. 'ej
ghIq, mordorvo', ghoS lIghwI' qIj. mouth of sauron.

'ay'vam vIbejDI', SIbI' lIghwI'vetlh vImuSHa'. mop qIj tuQmo' 'ej horse qIj
lIghmo', SIbI' vIparHa'.

'ach latlh meqmey tu'lu'..

tagha'Ha', Qeb ghomvaD Dochbe'law'; 'a buQbejbe'taHvIS, 'ej
Dochbe'law'taHvIS, ghettaH net Sov. Qeb ghom tojtaHba', 'ej tojtaHvIS vaq.

meqmeyvammo', jIvvo' pov ghaH. HoS mIgh tlhuDba'taH, 'ej latlhpu' buQmeH,
mu'meyna' lo'be'taHvIS, nuSlaH 'ej chIw: peyep ! jInaHchu' vaj HIqaDQo'.

meqvammo', batlhHa' vang aragorn, 'ej mouth of sauron 'emDaq ghaHtaHvIS HoH.

yInga' aragorn.. mouth of sauron yIquvmoH !

qunnoH jan puqloD
ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'
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