[tlhIngan Hol] resembling words in other languages

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 05:36:44 PST 2016

> For instance, the word {ghIqtal} is never used
> by German Klingons because it is
> pronounced *exactly* like the German word
> for "rectal".
> Not a good word to yell during battle :-)

hahaha ! pov ! 'a chaq chIch qaS ngoDvam.. DIvI' Hol /I'll f** you up/
rurmeH mu'vam tu'lu' ! tagh may', qIHchuq cha' SuvwI' 'ej SuvchoHpa'
jatlhchuq: ghIqtal (=rectal=Sa'HutlIj vInga') ! hahaha !

'ach DaH, maqID 'e' wImevchugh vaj vIt wItlhoj: latlh Holmey mu' Qut
rurbogh mu' law''e' ghajba' tlhIngan Hol. DI'rujvam junlaHbe' vay'. Hoch
HolmeyvaD qaS DI'rujvam.

ghantoH: chalvaD *ουρανος* pong 'elaDya' Hol. yuQ permeH DIvI' Hol,
mu'vamvaD /uranus/ mojmoH. 'a QIch rap ghaj /uranus/ /your anus/ je.. 'ej
latlh ghantoH law' tu'lu'. jIbej.

reH, latlh Hol 'op mu' Qut rur Hol 'op mu'. bej. meqvammo', mu' {pIS} {SIt}
je vIlajQo'be'lu' net poQ. Hol wIlo'taHvIS Holvam neH qel yabmaj net 'utmoH.

mu' {Qov}'e'.. rap vuDwIj. mu'vam wIvta'mo' nuv, lajQo' latlhpu' net
poQ'a'. ghobe'. Hoch tlhIngan ngutlh mutlhchu'ghachmey DIlo' net chaw' net

qunnoH jan puqloD
ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'

On 11 Dec 2016 2:28 pm, "Lieven" <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> Seems like pIs and SIt are canceled for meaning somthing in english, but
> nobody thought about other languages.
> For instance, the word {ghIqtal} is never used by German Klingons because
> it is pronounced *exactly* like the German word for "rectal".
> Not a good word to yell during battle :-)
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka Quvar valer 'utlh
> Grammarian of the KLI
> http://www.facebook.com/Klingonteacher
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