[tlhIngan Hol] Expressing "god damn"

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 05:40:49 PST 2016

So, I've been wondering for quite some time now, how to express the DIvI'
Hol "god damn". How to convey its essence in klingon..

Of course the question is: what does "god damn" exactly mean ? does it mean
that "god damns whatever", or the one who speaks "damns/curses god" ?

Anyway, the way I *feel* this wonderful DIvI' Hol expression, if I wanted
to say:

"your mother cooked this god damn food"

I would express it like this in tlhIngan Hol:

{Sojvam 'Igh vutta' SoSlI' jay'}

the only problem is that the element of "god" is missing from this
sentence; but I believe this is indirectly being conveyed by the {'Igh}.
when something is cursed, either god has done the "cursing", or a human
through "god".

so, I think that by the proper combination of {'Igh} and {jay'}, we can
express in klingon this wonderful english expression.

'ej DaH, rIn QInvam 'Igh jay' ! hahaha

qunnoH jan puqloD
ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'
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