[tlhIngan Hol] Something on the {vabDot}
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Dec 8 12:02:58 PST 2016
On 12/8/2016 1:26 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> nIqolay Q:
> > And relative clauses can take adverbials; for
> > instance, {nom lengbogh Duj} "ship that
> > travels quickly" is how you say "fast ship".
> ok, wait a second.. an adverb can refer to the verb of a {-bogh} thing
> (or clause) ?
> so far I believed that an adverb can only refer to the main verb of a
> sentence !
> lets write an example
> reH bo'Degh Sopbogh vIghro''e' legh Human.
> the human always sees the cat which eats the bird.
> this is the only meaning I thought was possible !
> is it possible in this sentence the {reH} to refer to the {Sopbogh}
> thus giving the meaning "the human sees the cat which always eats the
> bird" ?
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