[tlhIngan Hol] Thoughts on {-moH}
levinius at gmx.de
Thu Dec 8 11:58:15 PST 2016
Am 08.12.2016 um 17:42 schrieb SuStel:
>> {matlh nobmoH Qugh} = "Kruge causes Maltz to give"
>> We all agree on that, right?
> Not necessarily. p/aq'batlh/ gives us the sentence *ghaHvaD yIn Hegh je
> vIghojmoH*/I will... teach him life and death./
Don't forget that PB is not always 100% to be taken as a guide. In this
example, I think that ghojmoH is taken literally as "teach".
A) The object of ghojmoH is the person learning, so here it is "life and
B) maybe the use of -vaD takes over the object of the moH-ed verb?
> By the same pattern, one
> can say that *matlh nobmoH Qugh* means /Kruge causes (someone) to give
> Maltz (to someone)./ But I think it can ALSO mean /Kruge causes Maltz to
> give./
Well, the latter is definitely sure. I had a look at TKD again now, and
it says "[moH] indicates that the subject is causing a change of condition"
The given example {tIjwI'ghom vIchenmoH} is translated as "I cause a
boarding party to be formed".
literally translated that would be {chen ghom 'e' vI-[cause]}
a parallel to this is {matlh vInobmoH} "I cause maltz to give"
Exchanging the subject and adapting the suffixes gives
{matlh nobmoH Qugh} "Kruge makes maltz give"
Following my above mentioned twist, this is {nob matlh 'e' [cause] Qugh}
The object of the nob in that phrase comes first, so
{taj nob matlh 'e' [cause] Qugh}
and that's why I replaced the sentence back and got:
{taj matlh nobmoH Qugh}
And now, to marc the topic, I've added the -'e'
{taj'e' matlh nobmoH Qugh}
I still think that's a good workaround.
> Yes, this is the classic problem, and the way Okrand has resolved it is
Thanks for the explanation. Can you tell me wher to find examples for
this (not nitpicking intended, I really wanna know and understand.)
> has been to (1) make the causer the subject, (2) make the causee the
> indirect object with *-vaD*, and (3) keep the thing acted upon as the
> direct object.
> Following Okrand's pattern, the sentence would be *matlhvaD nuq nobmoH
> Qugh.*
{matlhvaD lojmIt poSmoH Qugh.}
Does Kruge open the door for Maltz, (my interpretation)
or does Kruge cause Maltz to open the door? (your interpretation) o_O
or can it be both and it's this ambiguity that lead this discussion?
Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI
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