[tlhIngan Hol] When your car becomes a dog

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Dec 7 10:11:27 PST 2016

On 12/7/2016 12:19 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> I wish klingon had tenses instead of aspect.. lets say I want to say 
> "I didn't know that"; what do I write ? {time-stamp jISovbe'} or 
> {jISovbe'pu'} ? Is my not-having-known a completed event or not ? I 
> think it is a completed event, which continues neverthless. go figure..

It's not a question of fact; it's a question of what you want to 
express. /I didn't know that but now I do/ might be expressed like so in 
this context: *pab DaQIjpa' vISovbe'*/before you explained the grammar I 
didn't know it./ I didn't use any aspect here because I'm not trying 
talk about anything completed; I'm talking about not knowing something 
and I'm talking about a time before an explanation. I'm not interested 
in talking about before the time an explanation was completed—though I 
could do that and in this context it would still make sense. I'm not 
interested in expressing that not knowing was completed.


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