[tlhIngan Hol] When your car becomes a dog
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Dec 7 07:17:02 PST 2016
On 12/7/2016 9:46 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> ben puSqu', athens vIDabtaH..
> pa' jIyIntaHvIS, tInmo' chuqmey, Hoch jaj puH DujwIj vISeDtaH.
I've noticed you overusing *-taH* recently. You haven't technically been
wrong in your use, but your meaning is probably not exactly what you're
Explain to me, for instance, the difference between *ben puSqu' /Athens/
vIDabtaH* and *ben puSqu' /Athens/ vIDab.* Also explain the difference
between *Hoch jaj puH DujwIj vISeDtaH* and *Hoch jaj puH DujwIj vISeD.*
> 'ach qen juH vengDaq vIcheghta' 'ej naDev mach chuqmey.
> machmo' chuqmeyvam, Dat vIjaHmeH jIyIt; puH Duj vIlo'be'. DaH, chaq
> jatlhlu': QaQ ghu' ! nIn Dalo'nISbe' !
> 'a napbe' ghu'..
> wa' ben, puH DujwIjDaq DIS leH ta'ta' jonwI'. 'ej leHvam ta'ta'DI',
> mujatlh: pIjHa' puH Dujvam Dalo'ba'.. jIjang: bIlugh; chay' ghu'vam
> DaSov. jatlh: puH Duj bIngDaq spidermey tu'lu'.. jIjang: toH ! qay'wI'
> tu'lu''a'.
In the immortal words of William Strunk, "Omit needless words." Just say
*qay''a' vay'?*
> 'ej ghIq mujatlh: pIj puH Duj Dalo'be'chugh vaj QapHa'choH Dujvetlh !
> ..ghIq vIghel: vaj chay' jIvangnIS. 'ej jatlh: Hoch Hogh wa'logh yISeD !
> Hu'tegh ! ..jIHvaD vavwI' dogmey qawmoH ghu'vam ! Hoch jaj,
> vIQuchmoHmeH mayIttaH jIH bIH je.
*/Dog/ Doy'qu'moHlu'meH 'ej//ghatlhlu'meH /dog/ yItmoHlu'. 'utbe' bel.*
> DaH, Hoch Hogh puH DujwIj vIvIHnISmoH je !
> vaj dog rurchoH puH DujwIj.. ghu'vam vIparHa' !
*'ach /dog/ DamuS qar'a'?
> vIghro' rur DujwIj net jalchugh vaj qaq ghu'vam.. vIghro' rurchugh
> vIH'eghmoHlaH.
*'ej leng tIqDaq bISeDnISDI' DulobQo'bej 'ej not bIpaw.*
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