[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yotlh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Dec 15 07:21:21 PST 2016

> Klingon Word of the Day for Thursday, December 15, 2016
> Klingon word: yotlh
> Part of speech: noun
> Definition: park (e.g., recreational)
> Source: qepHom 2016

Extension of {yotlh} "field (of land)".  

Cf. also {magh yotlh} "lawn" - {magh} is a Klingon plant that most closely resembles grass - both from qepHom 2016.

(KGT 89):  Agriculture ({Satlh}) is practiced to a certain extent, though it is common to gather uncultivated plants as well. Fruit or vegetables that come from a farm ({Du'}) are called either {naH} alone or {Du' naH} ("farm fruit or vegetable" or "produce")... The verb {yob} (harvest) is used to refer to gathering up plants or plant parts, whether from a field ({yotlh}) that has been sown or out in the wild. The verb meaning "farm" is {wIj}; that meaning "plant" (referring to vegetation of any kind) is {poch}. 

(HQ 12.2:7-8):  {qa'rI'} is also used for the end of bounded space which is seen as having length even it is not enclosed space. Thus, it is used for the end of a road, the end of a bridge, the end of a long field. (Maltz didn't think it would mean much of anything to refer to the {qa'rI'} of a square field.)

Hatlh 		country(side) (n)
ghor 			surface [of planet] (n)
puH 			land (n)
yav 			ground (n)
che'ron 		battlefield (n)

tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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