[tlhIngan Hol] to qaStaHvIS or not to qaStaHvIS

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Wed Dec 28 11:39:28 PST 2016

On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 12:26 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> ghunchu'wI':
> > You have not yet demonstrated your
> > understanding.
> I wrote earlier my understanding of time span and time stamp, through the
> dialogue which took place between me and SuStel. did you expect me to write
> specific examples or something ?

What you wrote, and what you continue to write, shows that your
understanding in this matter is still faulty.

As far as the {Soch DIS vorgh jIQuch}, is concerned, I still can't
> understand where is the problem.
> As SuStel said, {Soch DIS vorgh} is a time stamp. As was said earlier in
> this thread, time stamps don't require the {qaStaHvIS}. So, in the {Soch
> DIS vorgh jIQuch}, where is the problem ?

I haven't seen a message where he said that {Soch DIS vorgh} is a time
stamp. On the contrary, I have seen him pointing out that counting days or
years makes them *not* a time stamp.

> You can say that for you "it doesn't convey the desired
> meaning/feeling/whatever". But is it ungrammatical ?

The phrase {Soch DIS vorgh} has no obvious function in your suggested {Soch
DIS vorgh jIQuch}, and the sentence does not convey a meaning I can
identify with any confidence. I would call it ungrammatical.

> If the sentence utilized a time span instead i.e. {Soch DIS jIQuch}, then
> for the reasons SuStel explained, it would be ungrammatical. But since it
> uses a time stamp, then where is the problem ?

The problem is that it does *not* use a time stamp.

> Can you explain with reasonable arguments why I can say {DaSjaj jIQuch},
> while at the same time you are telling me that I cannot say {Soch DIS vorgh
> jIQuch} ?

SuStel has already given exactly the reasonable arguments I would use. I
don't know how to improve on them, besides stating again that a counted
duration is a time span and is not the kind of thing one uses as a time

> Or is the {qaStaHvIS} another glorious "maltz said so" ? because if it is,
> then hey I'm all for it ! just tell me though, and save me the grief of
> trying to understand obviously contradictory explanations.

The only contradictory explanation I see is when SuStel said "X is a time
stamp; Y is a time span" but you then said "SuStel says Y is a time stamp."

-- ghunchu'wI'
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