[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: joj

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 27 10:00:39 PST 2016

mayqel qunenoS :
>> poSDaq nIHDaq je QamtaHvIS SuvwI'pu', chaH jojDaq yItnIS lopwI'
>> The initiate must pass through a gauntlet of warriors. S9
> I am somewhat surprised by seeing the {poS} and {nIH} being
> used without being in direct reference to a noun.
> I would expect something like {SuvwI' poSDaq nIHDaq je..}[] 

{poSDaq nIHDaq je} does refer to a noun - the subject of the subordinate clause they are in - and precedes the verb {QamtaHvIS} because that is where place-stamps and other adverbials go:

  "While warriors are standing on the right (side) and on
   the left (side), the initiate ("celebrant" must walk
   (in the area) between them."

Many people forget that {poS} "left (side)" and {nIH} "right (side)" are nouns in Klingon, not qualities.  They are "area nouns" just like {joj} "area between", {bIng} "area below, area under", etc.

tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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