[tlhIngan Hol] to qaStaHvIS or not to qaStaHvIS

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 10:24:02 PST 2016

> like a single fight during a period of three
> years

I guess this means something like:

{qaStaHvIS wej DIS wa' may' neH wIyIn}
we only had one battle during three years

right ?

qunnoH jan puqloD
ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'

On 27 Dec 2016 7:51 pm, "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

On 12/27/2016 12:06 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:

for quite some time now, I am wondering as to the extent one must use the

my understanding is, that if we are talking about an event which takes
place once, there is no need for {qaStaHvIS}.

DaSjaj matlheD
(on) monday we depart

on the other hand, if we talk of an event that lasts quite some time, then
the qaStaHvIS is (seemingly) required.

qaStaHvIS DaSjaj jIvum
while monday is happening I work

so, here is my first question: in the aforementioned example {qaStaHvIS
DaSjaj jIvum}, is the {qaStaHvIS} necessary ? can't I just write {DaSjaj
jIvum} ?

Yes, you can just write *DaSjaj jIvum** I work on Monday.* You're not
telling us about how your work was structured, just that on Monday, work


moving on, my next question is "if we are talking of singular events which
take place multiple times, do we use the {qaStaHvIS} ?"

on monday I kill four birds
do I write
{DaSjaj loS bo'Degh vIHoH}
or do I write
{qaStaHvIS DaSjaj loS bo'Degh vIHoH}

For simple time expressions, this doesn't make a difference. *qaStaHvIS* is
much more useful when referring to events, e.g. *qaStaHvIS SoQ jIQongchoH**
I fell asleep during the speech,* or time periods, e.g., *qaStaHvIS wej DIS
toQDuj baHwI' jIH*
* I was a Bird of Prey gunner for three years. *

Exactly when a phrase is a time expression or a time period is difficult
for me to articulate. Longer periods get treated like time periods when the
subject is events of short duration (like a single fight during a period of
three years). *qaStaHvIS *has a sort of "zooming-in" effect; you are
examining a subset of the entire period and saying that the period was
going on before the point you're looking at and continues on after the
point you're looking at. When you want to zoom in, treat it like a time
period and use *qaStaHvIS.* When you just want to label when something
happened, and you don't want to zoom into the context of the moment, use a
time expression.


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