[tlhIngan Hol] The mouth of Sauron

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Wed Dec 21 00:16:55 PST 2016

> On 12/20/2016 5:50 PM, De'vID wrote:

>> wotvaD mojaq vIchel'eghmoHta'DI' Dayajbe''a'?

ungrammatical for me:

TKD, 4.2.1
"This suffix [...] affects the performer of the action, the subject. 
[...] When this suffix is used, the prefix set indicating 'no object' 
must also be used."

According to the rule, {vIchel'eghmoH} means "I cause myself to..." but 
it has to be {jIchel'eghmoH}.

ja' SuStel:
> Klingon originally and legally. Unless you're saying that we can read
> this as *vI- [chel'egh] -moH*/I cause it to self-add,/ where *chel'egh*
> is being treated as a separate verb.

The problem lies again in the use of -moH.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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