[tlhIngan Hol] Two beautiful workarounds

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 05:15:39 PST 2016

while writing yesterday two wonderful workarounds came to mind.

because it is a pity for them to be lost forever in subspace (and because I
don't think a lot of people here have the actual ability to easily read
klingon let alone write it), I will describe them here individually.

1. in order to express the "must", until yesterday I've been using either
{yadda yadda yadda. 'ut}, or {yadda yadda yadda net poQ}. however there
were times when I wanted to use the {'ut} but something was missing.. so,
yesterday I was overjoyed to realize that I can write too {yadda yadda
yadda net 'utmoH}.

2. until yesterday, while writing I often came across the need to say
something like"now we need to stop and think"; and in order to accomplish
that I've been using the aforementioned methods.

however, I wanted to find an additional way. luckily, yesterday I realized
that I can use the {-jaj} too. so, I can write something like {DaH,
mamevjaj 'ej maQubjaj}.

I like these two workarounds, because they get the job done, they create a
fluid style of writing, and most of all because they don't break any rules
thus flying under the radar of experts, grammarians, and of course our
honorable canon master.

qunnoH jan puqloD
ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'
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