[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' cha'maH wej mu' chu' - New Words
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 16 10:27:04 PDT 2016
mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> {jajlo' chum} sunrise (colorful sky) (n) (qep'a' 23 ]
>> {tlhom chum} sunset (colorful sky) (n) (qep'a' 23 ]
> what's the significance of the "colorful sky" clarification ?
> if the sunrise/sunset are taking place in a clouded/rainy sky,
> then can't we use these words ?
I imagine {jajlo'} "dawn" and {tlhom} "dusk" are points in time - which can be calculated and predicted precisely - while {jajlo' chum} and {tlhom chum} are the colorful atmospheric displays associated with them. If the day is overcast, you may or may not be able to see these displays.
FYI here's qurgh reporting how Okrand referred to cloudy days:
(qep'a' 2016): For a cloudy day, he used {jul So' 'eng} ("clouds hide the sun") or {jul tlhoDmoH 'eng} ("clouds filter the sun")... depending on just how cloudy things are.
Okrand has also talked about dawns and mornings:
(KGT 206-7): Thus, Federation Standard uses the single word "day" to refer to both a period of 24 Earth hours (generally reckoned from midnight to midnight) and to that part of the 24-hour period which is light (day as opposed to night). In Klingon, there are two distinct terms: {jaj} is the period from dawn to dawn; {pem} is that part of a {jaj} which is light (as opposed to {ram} [night]). Although Federation Standard also makes use of the locutions "daytime" and "nighttime", when a speaker of Federation Standard is counting periods of daytime, only "day" is used. Thus, three days, with no further context, is ambiguous, for it can refer to three 24-hour periods (as in "They wandered for three days") or three periods of daylight (as in "They wandered for three days and three nights"). In Klingon, {wej jajmey} means only "three stretches from dawn to dawn"; {wej pemmey} means "three periods of daylight" (as opposed to {wej rammey} ["three nights"]).
(KGT 121): The word used for days, {pemmey}, is the plural form of {pem} (day, daytime), a word referring to the part of the day when it is light out (as opposed to {ram} [night]). Another word, {jaj} (day) refers to the full period from dawn to dawn.
(HQ 10.4:5): Another [animal which is particularly noisy at dawn], though not a bird, is the {Qa'}, specifically the {jajlo' Qa'} ("dawn {Qa'}") ... Maltz said he has also heard the phrase {po Ha'DIbaH}, literally "morning animal", used to refer to the {'uSgheb} ... Maltz supposed that {po Ha'DIbaH} could refer to a {jajlo' Qa'} as well.
(startrek.klingon [6/1997]): {DaHjaj po} "this morning" (lit. "today morning" or "today's morning")... Phrases such as {jajvam po} "this day morning" or "this morning" are not common, but they're not ungrammatical either... {wa'leS po} "tomorrow morning", {cha'leS po} "the morning of the day after tomorrow" (literally "two-days-from-now morning"), and so on work quite nicely... In Klingon, you could even say {DaHjaj pem} "today's daytime", which would probably be typically contrasted with {DaHjaj ram} "today's night" (or tonight).
Here's my understanding of how this works:
jaj day [period of time]
pem day, daytime [period of time]
jajlo' dawn [point in time]
jajlo' chum sunrise [associated event]
po morning [period of time]
pemjep midday, middle of the day [period of time]
DungluQ noon [point in time]
pemjep midday, middle of the day [period of time]
pov afternoon [period of time]
choS twilight, evening [period of time]
tlhom dusk [point in time]
tlhom chum sunset [associated event]
ram night [period of time]
ramjep midnight [point in time]
No doubt others will give their own ideas.
tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 4:52 PM, [] [Voragh] wrote:
> >> ghunchu'wI':
> >>> If you want to copy and paste them, you can get them all from the
> >>> New Words List.
> >>> http://www.kli.org/about-klingon/new-klingon-words/
> >>> View by "date added" or "date modified" and all the new ones will be
> >>> at the top of the page.
> >>
> >> {chum} be colorful (v) (qep'a' 23 [2016], Friends of Maltz: Qov)
> >>
> >> {jajlo' chum} sunrise (colorful sky) (n) (qep'a' 23 [2016], Friends
> >> of Maltz: Quvar)
> >>
> >> NOTE: {jajlo'} "dawn" (n)
> >>
> >> {tlhom} dusk (n) (qep'a' 23 [2016], Friends of Maltz: Quvar)
> >>
> >> {tlhom chum} sunset (colorful sky) (n) (qep'a' 23 [2016], Friends of
> >> Maltz: Quvar)
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