[tlhIngan Hol] noH
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Aug 10 06:56:19 PDT 2016
qunnoq :
> the verb {noH}, means "to judge" as in
> a. I judge (estimate) that my dog must have eaten seven cats?
> b. don't judge (condemn) others, so that no one will judge
> (condemn) you too?
> c. I will judge (impartially examine) the accused in order to
> decide if he's guilty or not?
> d. all of the above?
>>> The definition given in TKD is "judge, estimate", so (a).
>> The canon example confirms this, but I do not remember it. Something like
>> {vaghSaD qelI'qam vInoH} "Estimating about 5000 kellicam"
chorghSaD qelI'qam HIvchuq'e' vInoH
Estimating attack range in 8,000 kellicams. ST5
AFAIK this is our only example of {noH}.
qunnoq :
> So, how do I say: "I will judge (impartially examine) the
> accused in order to decide if he's guilty or not"? Perhaps
> by the use of {nuD}? Or is {nuD} only to be used in reference
> to doctors?
nuD examine (v)
nItlhejbogh petaQmey tInuD
Look at these *p'takhs* at your side (PB)
AFAIK this is our only example.
> Or maybe {poj} is better? Or is {poj} only to be
> used in reference to situations?
poj analyze (v)
(The device) is set up to analyze it. TKD
AFAIK this is our only example.
If you're talking about a military judge, there's the two-syllable verb {ghIpDIj} "court martial". (AFAIK no examples are known.)
Some Klingon judges are called {loHwI'} "magistrate":
loHwI' vISuch 'e' vIpoQ!
I demand to see the magistrate! (ENT "Affliction")
FYI, Archer's trial for conspiring against the Klingon Empire and fomenting revolt was presided over by a magistrate. (ENT "Judgment")
The verb for what a magistrate does is {loH} "administer" - administer justice? (No examples of the verb known.)
Another type of judge is the {'oDwI'} "arbitrator, arbiter" (specifically, {cho' 'oDwI'} "Arbiter of Succession"):
yejquv DevwI' moj ghawran 'e' wuqta' cho' 'oDwI' Dapu'bogh
janluq pIqarD HoD.
Gowron... named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-
Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession. (S25)
What an {oDwI'} does is arbitrate/mediate {'oD}. (No examples of the verb known.)
SEE ALSO (in no particular order):
loy guess (v)
wuq decide (v)
chov assess, evaluate, test (v)
qIch condemn (v)
buv classify (v)
DIS confess (v)
pum accuse (v)
naDHa' discommend (v)
DIv be guilty (v)
chun be innocent (v)
yoj judgment (n)
bo'DIj court [of law] (n)
ruv justice (n)
teblaw' jurisdiction (n)
pum accusation (n)
pIch blame, fault (n)
tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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