[tlhIngan Hol] Batman vs Villains

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 09:53:22 PDT 2016

at the words after the {'e'}, change all {DI- } to {wI-}

nach velwI' qIj
Sent from my goat phone

On 3 Aug 2016 7:50 p.m., "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> 'ej DaH, peghel'egh.
> qatlh dc marvel Sub je DIparHa' ? hmm ? qatlh ?
> qal qo'maj 'e' DISovmo'. 'ej qechvam veb wIHarnISmo'..
> chut DungDaq nuvpu' tu'lu' ; Subpu'na'. 'ej Qob'a' lubamvIpbe' nuvpu'vam.
> nuvpu'vam tu'lu'bej 'ej maHvaD HarghtaH ; 'e' DIHarnISbej.
> 'ach nuvpu'vam tu'lu'be'bej ; 'a 'IH chaH bopbogh muchmey'e'.
> jIntaHghachmey chIwmo', 'IH bIH.
> Subpu'vam tu'lu' 'e' wIjInmo'..
> nach velwI' qIj
> Sent from my goat phone
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