[tlhIngan Hol] Am I right here?

Anthony Appleyard a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 29 08:53:02 PDT 2016

translating "jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbogh":-
jIHtaHbogh may mean:-
- V:monitor* VS7:continuous VS9:which_rel
- P:[I|me] VS7:continuous VS9:which_rel
- P:[I|me] V:[continue*|go_on*|endure*|survive=|be_at_negative_angle] VS9:which_rel
naDev may mean:-
- N:[here|hereabouts]
vISovbogh may mean:-
- PP:I/[he|it|them] V:know VS9:which_rel
{jIHtaH naDev} = "I am (continuously) here"
{jIHtaHbogh naDev} = "I who am (continuously) here", if the subject is the antecedent of "bogh"
{jIHtaHbogh naDev} = "The "here" (= a place) which I am (continuously) (at)" if the object is the antecedent of "bogh", if naDev can be treated as a noun and thus as the object of the verb
{naDev vISov} = "Here, I know"
{naDev vISov} = "I know the place called "here", if naDev can be treated as a noun
{naDev vISovbogh} = "I who know and am here", if the subject is the antecedent of "bogh"
{naDev vISovbogh} = "the place called "here" which I know", if naDev can be treated as a noun and thus as the object of the verb
"jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbogh" looks like siamese-twin clauses sharing the "naDev" (here used as a noun): "the place which I am at, is a place which I know".
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