[tlhIngan Hol] Saruman and Lurtz

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 23:54:06 PDT 2016

> No, it needs to be completed by the action to which the verb the suffix is attached to
> refers. If that very verb doesn't describe the completion of the action, then the completion
> suffix isn't appropriate.

I didn't understand a word of this..

> the event, which is described by the aspect suffix {-pu'} must :
> 1. be completed
> 2. have stopped being in effect
> No

I studied the elf-orc examples, and I can't understand why the two
conditions I described aren't correct/applicable.

I don't know.. this is rather confusing. And I wonder ; even you and
lieven couldn't agree on this whole "aspect matter".. And you're both
grammarians/experts !

So, what hope is there for a simple guy to figure this out ?

Normally, I would throw the towel and follow in the footsteps of our
good captain. However, because I'm a capricorn I can't quit !

So, this is how this will go down.. I will study on the internet about
aspect in general, and after I finish I will write my conclusions.
Then, we'll take it from there..

toQDujlIj ghomqa'DI' buq'IrwIj, Ser wIchav. 'e' vItul..


On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 9:21 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> maj SuStel !
> wa'leS, mu'meylIj vIpoj ! DaH, whisky vItlhutlhta'mo' 'ej jIDoy'mo',
> jIQongnIS ! murIt QongDaqwIj..
> jIQongtaHvIS, nIyma'pu' vIleghbe'. 'e' vItul !
> qunnoq
> ghogh HablI'vo aah who cares..
> On 23 Aug 2016 8:35 p.m., "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
>> On 8/23/2016 11:56 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> SuStel:
>> That's your error. During the "once," they were still
>> elves. When it was "once," being elves wasn't completed.
>> hmm.. Perhaps I'm beginning to understand. So you're saying that the
>> event, which is described by the aspect suffix {-pu'} must :
>> 1. be completed
>> 2. have stopped being in effect
>> right ?
>> No, it needs to be completed by the action to which the verb the suffix is
>> attached to refers. If that very verb doesn't describe the completion of the
>> action, then the completion suffix isn't appropriate.
>> Suppose I was an elf yesterday and I'm an orc today.
>> wa'Hu' elf jIH
>> I was an elf yesterday.
>> During yesterday, I was being an elf. I didn't complete being an elf
>> during yesterday. I completed being an elf after yesterday, but I didn't say
>> DorDI' wa'Hu', I said wa'Hu'. So being an elf was completed, but it wasn't
>> completed during yesterday.
>> wa'Hu' elf jIHpu'
>> I was (and completed being) an elf yesterday.
>> During yesterday, I was and elf and then my being an elf was complete. I
>> stopped being an elf during yesterday, though I had been one before that.
>> --
>> SuStel
>> http://trimboli.name
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