[tlhIngan Hol] As soon as I had tickled the dog
sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Aug 22 06:04:23 PDT 2016
On 8/22/2016 8:18 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> ben law' dog vIghajpu' 'ej dogvamvaD *spitha* vIpongta'. (qulHomvaD
> 'elaDya' mu' 'oH *spitha*'e').
Your use of aspect has been turning into tense lately. Be careful!
As far as your story goes, you didn't complete having a dog many years
ago. *ben law' */dog/ *vIghaj* /many years ago I had a dog. /On the
other hand, the aspect suffix on *vIpongta'* is appropriate.
> motlh HatlhmajDaq vIpaw'DI' 'ej dogvetlh vIje'ta' 'ej vIqotlhta',
> 'oHvaD jIjatlhta':
You dropped the *-DI'* on those other dependent clauses. You also
misspelled *paw*. *motlh HatlhmajDaq vIpawDI' 'ej */dog/*vetlh
vIje'ta'DI' 'ej vIqotlhta'DI'* /usually when I arrived in our
countryside and when I had fed that dog and when I had tickled it./
I probably would have put the *motlh* just before the *'oHvaD,* if I'm
understanding your intention correctly.
> Hatlhvam Dalegh'a' *spitha* ? puHvam.. Sormeyvam.. wa' jaj Hoch Daghaj !
QInlIj tlhaQlaw'ghach vIyajbe'.
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