[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' cha'maH wej mu' chu' - New Words

Michael Roney, Jr. nahqun at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 07:34:59 PDT 2016

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Lieven <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> I asked Maltz for sunset in the context of what humans enjoy, saying "oh,
look at that beautiful sunset". That's probably the reason why it's {chum}
"colorful" and not just the astronomical event.

Dawn ==> Twilight ==> Sunrise
Sunset ==> Twilight == Dusk

To Humans who care, dawn and sunrise are separate events.
I have a feeling that in everyday speech, people are not precise in their
I also feel that in English, at least, both "dawn" and "sunrise" are used
as time stamps.
"Sunrise" is also used to describe a visual occurrence, where "dawn" is not.

Since the Klingon gloss for "dawn" is {jajlo'} and for "sunrise" it is
"jajlo' chum}, I am inferring that Klingons don't treat sunrise as a time
sensitive part of the morning, but a visual occurrence.
Which is exactly what Maltz was asked for. A way to talk about a beautiful
Therefore, {jajlo' chum} is the pretty sight. I would not expect to meet a
Klingon "at sunrise", but to meet them "at dawn". The time of day is
important, not the colorfulness of the sky.

Since we always see Qo'noS on a cloudy day, and the novels support that it
is almost always cloudy, I can see Klingons not developing specialized
vocabulary to distinguish between sunrise and dawn. On a cloudy day,
there's not much of a visual difference.
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