[tlhIngan Hol] noH
levinius at gmx.de
Wed Aug 10 05:37:20 PDT 2016
Am 10.08.2016 um 11:30 schrieb mayqel qunenoS:
> maj.
> So, how do I say : "I will judge (impartially examine) the accused in
> order to decide if he's guilty or not" ? Perhaps by the use of {nuD} ?
> Or is {nuD} only to be used in reference to doctors ? Or maybe {poj}
> is better ? Or is {poj} only to be used in reference to situations ?
> Perhaps {legh} ? Or is {legh} only to be used with reference to
> physical objects ?
You are mostly answering your questions yourself.
In general, most words we have must be understood literally and cannot
be used for english "expression". For instance "see" is what you do with
your eyes, even if in englsh one would say things like "that's the girl
I've been seeing for two weeks" in the sense of "dating".
> Or is it even better to flush canon down the toilet, and use whatever
> I like most ?
That's the least useful suggestion. If you start using the words only in
the way that you understand them, you will begin creating phrases that
nobody understands. Just remember the "what will you have" situation in
the restaurant.
You have learned Klingon basics in a very very fast time, almost as
quick as nobody else has learned it, which is ery impressive. But now
you have begun reacting like a confused robot who has received too much
input which he cannot handle. Slow down, Data, or your circuits will
burn due to overload. ;-)
Don't skip canon becaus you do not understand it or because it confuses
you. Instead, slow down a bit, and read as much of canon, and also
secondary literature like Hamlet, Gilgamesh, Tao Te Ching, etc. After
some time you will begin to understand the words, and fin other
solutions to translate things instead of browsing the dictionary.
Actually, there are only very few words which are ambiguous and unclear.
Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI
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