[tlhIngan Hol] Vocabulary learning method

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 04:04:52 PDT 2016

this is written without a dictionary, so if anything appears weird you know
the reason.

mu'mey veb vIghItlhbe'taH, jInaD'egh vIneHlaw'mo'. vIghItlhtaH, teHbejmo'

Qapbej mIwvam -mIw vIDelta'bogh-. 'IHqu' !

cha'logh mu'tay vIlaDta', 'ej wejHa' mu' law' vIqawlaH.

tlhIngan Hol ghojlu' neHlu'chugh, vaj mu'tay ghojnISbej. yapbe' pab neH.

mu'tay ghojDI' -poHvetlh neH-, tlhIngan Dop 'IH leghlaH.

mop qIj qunnoq
Sent from my goat phone

On 25 Jul 2016 12:05 p.m., "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> The human mind has an amazing capacity of understanding and processing
> new information, and it is a fact too that we all learn in different
> ways. However, when the mind encounters new information (in our case
> vocabulary), the following four points could be said in order to
> describe what will happen :
> 1. first it will remember the words which it considers important
> 2. then it will remember the words which for some reason it will find
> strange
> 3. then the words which are constantly revised
> 4. when it encounters a new word and forgets it, some time has to pass
> before a second revision of that word takes place, if that revision is
> to be successful.  however that time must not be too long.
> If someone wants to learn klingon, (or any language real or
> constructed), he has to learn the vocabulary. Learning the grammar,
> and relying on a dictionary just won't cut it (as americans would
> say..).
> But here comes the question ; how does one proceed in order to learn
> the vocabulary ?
> There are many ways..
> Some people memorize one word at a day, others memorize 10 or 20, some
> try to learn it as they speak or write klingon.
> But the problem is that all these methods, take too long. Depending on
> what someone qualifies as a separate word deemed worthy of a separate
> entry in a dictionary, klingon possesses 2000-3000 (give or take a
> few) words. If you proceed, by learning one word at a day you need
> 2000 days just to go through the vocabulary once, let alone revision..
> If you learn 20 words a day, then again you need 100 - 150 days,
> revision excluded. And won't you miss a day ?
> So, in order to get the job done, this is what you need to do :
> Open your dictionary and each time read just a single letter. For
> example start with the letter "A". Start reading without trying to
> memorize. You're reading : ".. this word means that, the next word
> means this, the word after is whatever..".
> The important thing is not to stress yourself, or fall into the trap
> of trying to "actively memorize". You just breeze through the word
> list of a specific letter (in our example the letter A), and while
> reading you must be trying to stay relaxed. Don't force yourself to
> memorize, and don't pause to ask in your mind "did I learn that
> previous entry ?".
> Now, when you finish letter A you will see :
> 1. the whole process was easy
> 2. it took only 15-20 minutes
> 3. your mind learned some words which for you are important
> 4. your mind learned additional words which you found strange for
> whatever reason.
> 5. words you were wondering about from the previous revision, now became
> clearer
> 6. and although you didn't realize that you actually learned something
> new, if you try and write, you'll notice that suddenly words crop up
> in your mind out of nowhere.
> The beauty of this method is the following :
> 1. Even for a letter which has many entries, it doesn't take more than
> 15-20 minutes
> 2. It is easy ; you don't even work up a headache
> 3. It can be repeated twice a day
> .. and most importantly :
> 4. It goes through the entire vocabulary in a matter of 10 days. Why
> 10 days ? Because some letters have very few entries, thus being able
> to read 2, or more of them at a time. (each "time" considered as a
> period of 15-20 minutes).
> With this method, in a month someone is able to process the entire
> vocabulary 2-3 times, which is way faster than any other learning
> method (of the ones we talked about earlier).
> So, finally, someone will ask : How long would it take for someone to
> learn ?
> Because we're all different, there's no way of accurately predicting ;
> but from personal experience, I will say that after 2-3 months you'll
> be able to write in klingon, without needing to be constantly reaching
> for the dictionary.
> Is there a catch (as americans say..) to all this ?
> Yes there is.. It is boring as hell, and the more words you learn, the
> more difficult it becomes to overcome the boredom of sitting down and
> going through them again. Also, for this method to work, you need to
> be writing/using klingon daily, for your mind to *feel*, that the
> words it processes are indeed important.
> But as with everything in life, it all comes down to a simple question :
> How bad do you want it ?
> mop Hurgh
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