[tlhIngan Hol] [Tlhingan-hol] Liquid Nitrogen

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Aug 5 06:28:33 PDT 2016

>From the BOP Poster we have the N1-N2 noun-noun phrase {rugh bIQSIp} "anti-hydrogen" (lit. "antimatter hydrogen").  How is this grammatically different from *{betgham bIQSIp}?

For those not up on their Treknology:

(ST Encyclopedia):  Deuterium was also used as one of the reactants in the matter/antimatter reaction system in those ships' warp drive. The deuterium was the matter, and anti-hydrogen served as the antimatter. (TNG "Relics")

FYI, {bIQSIp 'ugh} "deuterium isotope" (lit. "heavy hydrogen") also comes from the Poster comes from the BOP Poster.


> -----Original Message-----
> Fiat Knox <fiat_knox at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > So, now we know that betgham means liquid (n). Does that mean we can
> > now use a noun-noun construction and officially call liquid nitrogen
> > *betgham voQSIp?* Ditto for, say, liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and
> > liquid gold?
> I doubt it, since "liquid" in "liquid oxygen" is not a noun but an
> adjective.
> {betgham voQSIp} would seem to me to mean "liquid nitrogen" as in "the
> nitrogen which is present in this liquid" rather than "nitrogen in liquid
> form".
> "The liquid's nitrogen" or "nitrogen of the liquid" would be other ways of
> putting it.
> A bit like how I interpret {nuH pegh} (the TKD example) not as a weapon
> secret (one concerning a weapon) but as a particular weapon's secret.
> And indeed TKD, says that "N1-N2 (that is, noun #1 followed by noun
> #2) would be <N2 of the N1.>", so {betgham voQSIp} would be something like
> "nitrogen of the liquid".
> Cheers,
> Philip

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