[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: reghuluSngan

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 07:17:52 PDT 2016

not 'Iwghargh vISopqang 'ach 'Iw HIq vItlhutlhqangbej...

'a jISIv.. 'Iw HIqDaq, nuq Sar 'oH 'Iwvam'e' ? nuq Ha'DIbaH 'Iw 'oH
'Iwvam'e' ?

nach velwI' qIj
Sent from my goat phone

On 3 Aug 2016 5:12 p.m., "Steven Boozer" <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> > Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, August 03, 2016
> >
> > Klingon word: reghuluSngan
> > Part of speech: noun
> > Definition: Regulan [i.e. person]
> AFAIK never used in a sentence.
> reghuluS                        Regulus (place)
> reghuluS chorgh         M-113 (place: a.k.a. Regulus VIII) MKE
> reghuluS 'Iw HIq        Regulan bloodwine
>   HIq qIj reghuluS 'Iw HIq ghap jab
>   They serve Black Ale or Regulan bloodwine. CK
> reghuluS 'Iwghargh      Regulan bloodworm
>   reH HIvje'lIjDaq 'Iwghargh Datu'jaj
>   May you always find a bloodworm in your glass! PK (toast)
>   tun; reghuluS 'Iwghargh rur
>   soft as a Regulan bloodworm KGT
> Lt. Korax compared humans to Regulan bloodworms on Deep Space Station K-7
> in 2268: they are both "soft and spineless" (TOS "The Trouble with
> Tribbles")
> According to Dr. Phlox, Regulan bloodworms are excellent for filtering
> toxins. (ENT "Two Days and Two Nights") Phlox has used these harmless worms
> for years to clean a patient's lymphatic system, but are difficult to
> replace. (ENT "Stratagem", Phlox held one up with a pair of forceps and the
> app. 4-inch long worms were, indeed, quite soft).  Information about
> Regulan bloodworms was displayed by the computer as a graphic in Keiko
> O'Brien's schoolroom on Deep Space 9 (DS9 "A Man Alone", "The Nagus") and
> in the infirmary aboard Deep Space 9 (DS9 "Babel").  Cf.
> http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Regulan_bloodworm for details and images.
> --
> Voragh
> tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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