[tlhIngan Hol] FYI office tools [REPOST]

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 1 08:48:11 PDT 2016

mayqel qunenoS asks:
>> depending on the device. [...] The hole punch
> What does the [...] contain ? Curiosity is killing me. Please tell me.
> I need to know ! Thank kahless I'm not a cat.

Lieven interviewed Okrand at qepHom 2015.  Here is his entire (unformatted) post on office vocabulary from October.  There were many new words vocabulary and a few new insights into existing ones. 

Title:	office tools
Source:	qepHom 2015 Exercise book Page:	18
Published:	29 october 2015

Marc Okrand has had a chance to talk to Maltz again who was quite talkative and gave us lots of new useful words. As usual, some of the definitions were not clear on the first sight, so your Klingon teacher talked to Marc Okrand to get more information.

Lieven L. Litaer (LL): We all know the word nav from TKD, which is simply labeled as "paper". In the Klingon Monopoly, it is used in a phrase Huch nav meaning a bill, in the sense of money. Can this word also be used for a "sheet of paper"?

Marc Okrand (MO): Yes, that's also nav.

LL: If it's a page in a book, is it also a nav? And what if I refer to only one side of such a page, could I use Dop for that? Each nav does have two sides.

MO: You would not say nav wej for "page three", unless you're talking about three separate sheets of paper. A "page" (like the page in a book, that you can number) is a tenwal. Maltz also wanted me to point out that tenwal ("page") is used only for numbered pages in a book or something similar. One side of a piece of paper is a Dop, so a piece of paper has two Dopmey. Usually, there is one tenwal per Dop, but page numbering can get confusing sometimes.

Here are some more words related to paper: a letter, that is a message written on a sheet of paper and sent to someone is a nav QIn. An envelope is called nav vaH. In context, vaH by itself is enough. The word vaH can actually be used for everything you put something inside of it. It's a cover for it. A bill, a payment request, something you must pay, is a ghogh'ot.

A stapler is a Ha'on vevwI'. The staple, the little metal thing, is called baS Ha'on or just Ha'on. The verb vev means "insert, put in", so the stapler is literally a device that "puts in" the staple (Ha'on) into the paper.

LL: If the object of vev are the staples, where would I put the paper into the sentence? It seems to be called a "staple-inserter", not a "paper-stapler"...

MO: That's true; the result is that it's stapling paper together, but what it's really doing is sticking a staple into the papers.

LL: So how do I say "staple the sheets "?

MO: To "staple" papers together is to rar them. To use a stapler or hole punch ("perforator, hole punch" nIqDob), you qIp it or 'uy it or ngaH ("squeeze") it, depending on the device. But Maltz said that doesn't mean "squeeze" like squeezing into a tight space. That verb is qoch. (The object of this verb is the space -- like a small car or a crowded elevator -- being squeezed into, and this includes clothes or shoes that are too small.) For squeezing a toothpaste tube or for squeezing an orange, he said the verb is ngaH. The hole punch will ghID ("pierce, perforate") the paper (or other material). 

LL: Can ghID also mean perforate a paper with a tooth pick or similar?

MO: Yes, of course.

LL: What else can I vev?

MO: You could put the letter in the envelope. Or put a pen into a pen holder.

A binder or a notebook is called gho paq. But it's not a notebook with multiple pages you write notes on. It's something you can add papers to and take them out. It's an empty book where you can put pages in, and it holds them together.

A stamp (rubber stamp, a tool/device, not postage stamp) is a toqwIn. To use a stamp, you ink it up and then you Dut it ("slam [it] down"). The word for ink is rItlh, and the ink pad is called rItlh 'echlet. The image that results from using a rubber stamp is yang.

LL: When you ink it up, do you simply Dut it into the rItlh 'echlet?

MO: Yes, but there is a way to say that you're applying ink. To "ink up" a rubber stamp is to laS it. This verb is also used to refer to putting paint on a rItlh naQ. Maltz said that there's a slang term for this action also: pID.

LL: Can the verb Dut "slam down" be used for other things, too?

MO: Yes, like when you're angry, you "slam down" the phone. The verb Dut is not exclusive to the use of a stamp, right.

LL: So the stamp is the object of the verb Dut. The object is not the paper:
toqwIn vIDut.
I slam down the stamp. 

MO: A mouse pad is called 'eQway' 'echlet.

LL: It seems like 'echlet is a general term for boards, like keyboard and gaming board, and apparently any flat shaped form. Could I use it for a cutting board?

MO: Yes, just like the cutting knife pe'meH taj, this would be a pe'meH 'echlet.

LL: What do you see as a size limit? What if I use a construction plate that is six by six feet wide, is that still an 'echlet?

MO: It is, but that's weird. If you call that an 'echlet, people would understand, but there's probably another word for something that big. A big slab of concrete under the building, the foundation, that's definitely not an 'echlet.

LL: What about, for instance, wooden boards or planks used for wall or ceiling covering, which are few inches wide but several feet long?

MO: When it's used by itself, when you use it as part of a construction, there may be another name for it, but the shape itself may be described as 'echlet tIq.


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