[tlhIngan Hol] As soon as I had tickled the dog

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Aug 22 10:28:10 PDT 2016

On 8/22/2016 12:26 PM, Lieven wrote:
> Aspect is not mandatory. You wanted to not confuse the students. I 
> tried to keep it simple, suggesting beginenrs avoid aspect until they 
> feel comfortable with it and NOT use it as tense.

Telling students to leave off a suffix that CANNOT be left off when they 
try to say something that requires it is NOT the correct advice.

Your advice amounts to, "Don't say things that require aspect, so you 
don't have to use the suffixes."

The correct approach is to understand aspect FIRST, then learn when to 
use it or not use it. If a student wants to translate, "I wrote a 
message and then sent it," which is a reasonable thing to want to say, 
they CANNOT omit aspect. But that's what you told them to do.


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