[tlhIngan Hol] rI'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 9 06:14:58 PDT 2016

mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> the verb {rI'} is used in order to express :
>> hail the approaching vessel ?
>> (i.e. contact the approaching vessel)
>>   or
>> I hail that brave cat ?
>> (I salute that brave cat)

> As we have {rI'Se'}  n  hailing-frequency, I'd say it can only refer
> to calling out, and not the numerous other meanings this overly versatile
> English word has, like a weather phenomenon and /to bombard/, in addition
> to your salute example.
> Though there may be canon contradicting me, of which I am unaware.

Nope, I think you're right:
  tera'vo' SarI'. 
  I hail you from Earth. ('U'-MTK)

  chach Duj yIrI' 
  Get an ambulance! (TNK)

  ghaH rI' 'ej quvmoH qanra' qamchIy qup'a' 
  He is welcomed by Kahnrah, Patriarch of Qam-Chee. PB

>> I hail that brave cat ?
>> (I salute that brave cat)

For this use {van} "salute" (v):

  Hovmey Davan 
  You salute the stars. TKW

  qeylIS loDnI' 'opleS chovan 
  One day, brother Kahless, you will bow before me. (PB)

  vanchuq luqara' joH qeylIS je 
  Lady Lukara and Kahless, they said their goodbyes (PB)

  DoyIchlanDaq ghomchuqbogh tlhIngan Hol ghojwI'pu' - Savan!
  [untranslated] (MO qepHom 2013 greetings)


Qum 		communicate (v)

  naDev bIQumqa' 'e' vItul. 
  [untranslated] (st.k (MO to SuStel, 11/1996)

rIt 		summon (v)

  DurIt tlhIngan yejquv 
  Summoned to the Klingon High Council. MKE

{rI'} "hail" and {rIt} "summon" may be etymologically related.

lab  		transmit data (away from a place) (v)
lI'  		transmit data (to a place) (v)

tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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